Thursday, December 21, 2006

Christmas Shame

A wonderful post by the author of the Message Bible. Perhaps the Prophet Jeremiah had a point.

Thus says the Lord:
"Learn not the way of the nations, nor be dismayed at the signs of the heavens
because the nations are dismayed at them, for the customs of the peoples are false.
A tree from the forest is cut down, and worked with an axe by the hands
of a craftsman. Men deck it with silver and gold;
they fasten it with hammer and nails so that it cannot move" (Jer. 10:2- 4)

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

Humanitarian aid: winning the terror war

Humanitarian aid: winning the terror war

Another hopeful sign that we have a better way. A third way.

Amid the uncertainty about the best strategy in Iraq and how to answer the growing threat of terrorism and extremism in the world, there is one American policy of the past two years that has proven successful time and again: humanitarian missions by the US military. This policy is pro-military, pro-American, pro-humanitarian, and antiterrorist. Most important, it is actually curbing anti-American feelings in Muslim countries.

Courtesy of Rob Bell this is the way of Jesus: SERMON Any of the Peacemaker ones

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

A witness to what faith can be

A great article in USA Today about a group of Christians in Portland Oregon who care for the homeless.

Car- and vanloads of Christian volunteers swoop in with sleeping bags and coats to protect their dispossessed friends against the raw, wet weather that has moved in. They dispense hot meals and set up stations for shaves and haircuts. While a few pull out guitars and strike up their Jesus-themed songs, a small number of the volunteers commit one of the more audacious acts of compassion and humility I have ever witnessed: They wash the homeless people's feet.

The best statement I have read in a long time:

But it's hard to indict all religion when you see the way faith manifests under the Burnside Bridge. The features of hard-edged Christianity that many find repellant — condemnation, exclusivity, belligerence — are absent at Night Strike. Bridgetown Ministries and its dozens of volunteers aren't vetting the moral worthiness of the homeless people whose hair they cut, bodies they clothe and feet they wash. They know some might be drunk and some on drugs. Are they homeless because they're lazy? Do they deserve this care? The questions are utterly irrelevant from the perspective of the ministry's radical compassion. As Snider puts it, "We're just out there to love on people."

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Brian McLaren: The Politics of Joy

Another great post by Brian McLaren.

I was particularly impressed with this statement, "The way "earth receives her king" (and the blessings he brings) is not by bombs and guns and wiretaps and coups; not by aggressive blog postings or passionate media pronouncements by pundits. Rather, the king (and the kingdom) come first to the quiet hearts of humble people who "prepare him room," and the joy flows to the world through them."

I just started reading Barack Obama's book , and I see some of the same sentiments in his thought process. I will let you know more when I finish reading it.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

Gay and Evangelical, Seeking Paths of Acceptance

I ask true Christians to compare the following two responses/situations and determine for yourself who is acting the most Christ-like.

  1. Clyde Zuber, 49, and Martin Fowler, 55, remember sitting on the curb outside Lakeview Baptist Church in Grand Prairie, Tex., almost 20 years ago, Sunday after Sunday, reading the Bible together, after the pastor told them they were not welcome inside. The men met at a Dallas church and have been together 23 years. In Durham, N.C., they attend an Episcopal church and hold a Bible study for gay evangelicals every Friday night at their home.

    “Our faith is the basis of our lives,” said Mr. Fowler, a soft-spoken professor of philosophy. “It means that Jesus is the Lord of our household, that we resolve differences peacefully and through love.”

  2. “If by gay evangelical is meant someone who claims both to abide by the authority of Scripture and to engage in a self-affirming manner in homosexual unions, then the concept gay evangelical is a contradiction,” Robert A. J. Gagnon, associate professor of New Testament at Pittsburgh Theological Seminary, said in an e-mail message.

    “Scripture clearly, pervasively, strongly, absolutely and counterculturally opposes all homosexual practice,” Dr. Gagnon said. “I trust that gay evangelicals would argue otherwise, but Christian proponents of homosexual practice have not made their case from Scripture.”

Please read the entire discussion. The future of many Christians hangs in the balance.

2nd Colorado pastor quits over gay sex allegations

If you read this article, you will notice a statement that saddens me to no end.

Paul Barnes told church members: "I have struggled with homosexuality since I was a 5-year-old boy. ... I can't tell you the number of nights I have cried myself to sleep, begging God to take this away."

This is the main problem with the thought process on this subject. You can't wish it away or pray it away. To me this is further proof that people are born a certain way, and any attempt to "change" them will result in this type of tragedy.

This situation hurts so many people, it is a shame that the 5 year old boy wasn't taught that Jesus loves you just the way you are.

Monday, December 11, 2006

Super Charger-Record-setting Tomlinson impresses on and off field

If you read this article, you will surely know why LT's coached said the following during his press conference, "I don't want to embarrass him but for all the skills he has as a player, they pale in comparison to the person."

I just wish that this kind of person got more credit for being a human being first and foremost.

Tuesday, December 05, 2006

Race Against Time - World AIDS Day Speech | U.S. Senator Barack Obama

Race Against Time - World AIDS Day Speech | U.S. Senator Barack Obama: "Like no other illness, AIDS tests our ability to put ourselves in someone else's shoes - to empathize with the plight of our fellow man. While most would agree that the AIDS orphan or the transfusion victim or the wronged wife contracted the disease through no fault of their own, it has too often been easy for some to point to the unfaithful husband or the promiscuous youth or the gay man and say 'This is your fault. You have sinned.'

I don't think that's a satisfactory response. My faith reminds me that we all are sinners.

My faith also tells me that - as Pastor Rick has said - it is not a sin to be sick. My Bible tells me that when God sent his only Son to Earth, it was to heal the sick and comfort the weary; to feed the hungry and clothe the naked; to befriend the outcast and redeem those who strayed from righteousness.

Living His example is the hardest kind of faith - but it is surely the most rewarding. It is a way of life that can not only light our way as people of faith, but guide us to a new and better politics as Americans.

For in the end, we must realize that the AIDS orphan in Africa presents us with the same challenge as the gang member in South Central, or the Katrina victim in New Orleans, or the uninsured"

The above quote taken from the Senators speech should remind all Christian's of their obligation to honor the Lord your God with all your heart, mind and soul, and to Love your neighbor as yourself.


P.S. Article on the speech:

Why Evangelical Kay Warren Is Fighting AIDS - Newsweek Health -

Why Evangelical Kay Warren Is Fighting AIDS - Newsweek Health -

This interview is must read for any Christian who has questions about where we should stand as Christians on the topic of AIDS.

This question and particularly the answer given hit me as one of the most important,

How hard is it for evangelicals to get past the characterization by some of AIDS as God’s scourge against the sin of homosexuality?
That’s definitely something we’re trying to get past. It’s flawed thinking, for starters. To follow that line of reason means that then, I suppose, the cold I have is God’s judgment against me for going out in the rain without my boots on. Thinking that way is not helpful. We live in a broken, sinful world. We all make mistakes, but at the same time God cares passionately about everyone he has made. You never find Jesus asking people how they got sick, not once does he ask that. When sick people came to him, he simply said, “How can I help you?” And that’s where we’re trying to go. That needs to be the first question out of our mouths.

Friday, December 01, 2006

Hoops of Hope

Hoops of Hope

I read and prayed, "May Your Kingdom come, and Your Will be done on earth"

Another example of the "Thy Kingdom Come"

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Kentucky treasurer pushes for Sudan divestment - November 20, 2006 - Pensions & Investments

Kentucky treasurer pushes for Sudan divestment - November 20, 2006 - Pensions & Investments

This article is probably restricted, but the important message is that the Treasurer of Kentucky's Retirement system has fired the first of what I hope to be many shots at the Sudanese government.

This is hopefully history repeating itself. The pressure put on by US financial institutions in South Africa ultimately contributed to the no violent changes final instituted and an end to Apartheid.

Monday, November 20, 2006

Finding God in Unexpected Places

Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/19/2006 | They're learning life's rules

The title is from a book by Philip Yancey. The story is part of what I hope to begin keeping track of. Pockets of life where God can be found among the people seeking Justice for all.

Wednesday, November 15, 2006

In praise of 'Local Heroes'

Philadelphia Inquirer | 11/15/2006 | In praise of 'Local Heroes'

Reading this story makes me proud to have made the same decision, and tells me I need to do more for my sons school

Kevin and Nancy Peter. Ben was in preschool when the Peters faced the question that bedevils middle-class city-dwellers: public school or private?

Many in their Mount Airy circle had chosen private, and probably assumed the Peters would, too. But Nancy had attended the neighborhood school, C.W. Henry, as a child - before transferring to private school - and decided to check it out.

"My big 'Aha!' was that it was a great school," she said. "The only thing wrong with it was perception: Middle-class families didn't consider it, so it became less of a viable option for other middle-class families."

The school was largely African American in a largely white neighborhood.

To encourage others like them - people with resources and contacts - to look at Henry, Nancy and Kevin began hosting monthly meetings in their living room. Four years later, Ben, 8, is a trumpet-playing, sports-loving Henry third-grader and the Peters are slowly winning converts at their gatherings.

"We want to help them make informed choices," said Nancy, 50. "We also want to make the school better for people who don't have a choice."

One family that switched to Henry took their private-school tuition money and bought sports equipment for the school. Other parents landed grants for a music program and a lunchroom overhaul.

Such involvement, said Kevin, 42, "is going to strengthen the school for all the kids."

Nancy, a doctoral student at Penn and director of the university's Out-of-School Time Resource Center, and Kevin, who helps under- and unemployed Philadelphians at the Metropolitan Career Center in Germantown, have been accused of putting their politics ahead of their son's education.

"People say to us, 'You're sending your kid to public school? How could you?' " Nancy said. "We couldn't be happier at Henry."

Monday, November 13, 2006

Money doesn't buy Happiness - Writers - Monday Morning QB (cont.) - Monday November 13, 2006 12:40PM:

Reading this statement from Rutger's fullback puts money in the right perspective. We have been studying money and tithing at church for 40 days, and I can think of nothing that has been said or verse that has been repeated that says it any better than this

"'The NFL's good. Money's good. But I never had money growing up. My family didn't have money. My mom's an accountant. My dad's a cable guy. They don't care that they weren't rich. They're the two happiest people on the planet. They live life the way it should be lived and passed that on to their kids. Money doesn't buy happiness. "

Money doesn't buy Happiness - Writers - Monday Morning QB (cont.) - Monday November 13, 2006 12:40PM:

Reading this statement from Rutger's fullback puts money in the right perspective. We have been studying money and tithing at church for 40 days, and I can think of nothing that has been said or verse that has been repeated that says it any better than this

"'The NFL's good. Money's good. But I never had money growing up. My family didn't have money. My mom's an accountant. My dad's a cable guy. They don't care that they weren't rich. They're the two happiest people on the planet. They live life the way it should be lived and passed that on to their kids. Money doesn't buy happiness. "

Thursday, November 09, 2006

Friday, November 03, 2006

Drawn Together in Life, Held Together After Death -

Drawn Together in Life, Held Together After Death -

This story is mind blowing. This is true Grace and forgiveness. Any time you feel someone wrongs you, and you need to seek revenge or hold a grudge you should read this story.

No mention is ever made of faith in this article, but the parents of Matt Stoffel show an enormous amount of faith in their reaction to the tragic death of their only son in a car driven by his best friend.

Tuesday, October 24, 2006

On Love and Judgment of Homosexuals

Faithful Democrats - On Love and Judgment of Homosexuals

This is the best way to describe how a Christian should approach homosexuality

"I believe the Gospel tells us that we should treat homosexual brothers and sisters the same way we are to treat everyone: with love and without difference. And I believe as well that were Jesus walking the earth today, he would stand against the ostracism, demonizing, and general mistreatment of homosexual brothers and sisters just as he stood against the mistreatment of marginalized people in his own day. I am convinced that if we are to follow Jesus, that is also what we must do."

I also loved this statement "we must judge them by the same Gospel standard by which everyone else is to be judged: "Is this person loving and caring toward others? Does s/he hunger and thirst for the justice of God for all people, on earth as in heaven? And do his or her actions show that?"

Although I would add that were must first judge ourselves by this same standard otherwise we may miss the board in our own eye.

Friday, October 13, 2006

The Nobel Peace Prize 2006

The Nobel Peace Prize 2006

A direct quote,"What good were all my complex theories when people were dying of starvation on the sidewalks and porches across from my lecture hall?"

This is wonderful. A man who saw a need and moved forward to assist the oppressed. I feel honored to be a fellow human being with this man.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

God's Politics - Jim Wallis blog, faith blog, religion, christian, christianity, politics, values

God's Politics - Jim Wallis blog, faith blog, religion, christian, christianity, politics, values

It is amazing the way Brian thinks. I couldn't have said it any better, as a matter of fact I think I said it much worse.

Saving Love what a beautiful way to remember Steve Irwin.

As a tribute to his everlasting impression, I vow to live with saving love.

Thursday, September 28, 2006

Terri Irwin is a Hero!

'I want Daddy home' | The Courier-Mail

She bravely spoke with Barbara Walters on many subjects, but the most impressive for her continued statements that her faith brought her through this.

Remember this quote whenever trouble comes your way; "I feel I was so blessed. I had the best 14 years, two beautiful children, and just a romance like I didn't think existed any more."

Wednesday, September 27, 2006

Police Say T.O. Tried to Kill Himself -

Police Say T.O. Tried to Kill Himself -

As a Philadelphia fan, I am saddened by this news. I know that T.O. was a wonderful athlete who caused a lot of problems here, but he is a human being. Obviously, something is troubling him and his trip to Philadelphia on October 8th can now be considered life-threatening.

I hope the fans will look past T.O. the athlete and recognize he is only human and needs our prayers and support at this time.

This could be Philadelphia's finest hour as fans if we can remember this.

We will no longer be known as the fans who booed Santa Claus and cheered Michael Irvin's injury, but we could be know as truly gracious fans.

Erase the past and embrace the man. Please do not boo T.O.

Friday, September 22, 2006

Steve Irwin

It has been an extremely emotional couple of weeks for my family. It may sound weird, but Steve Irwin has a huge early influence on my son. His passing has effected my family, as we remember who he was and what he was about.

I think it was best summed up after the memorial service my son said, " Dad, I always sort of agreed with people when they said Steve was a little bit crazy, but now I see it has he was just being real". A great lesson for us all to learn. Be Real, Be Yourself, Be passionate!

This is the poem read at the Memorial service. To me it says it all:


Endless visions fill my head – this man – as large as life

And instantly my heart mourns for his angels and his wife

Because the way I see Steve Irwin – just put everything aside

It comes back to his family – it comes back to his pride

His animals inclusive – Crikey – light the place with love!

Shine his star with everything he fought to rise above

The crazy-man of Khaki from the day he left the pouch

Living out his dream and in that classic ‘Stevo’ crouch

Exploding forth with character and redefining cheek

It’s one thing to be honoured as a champion unique

It’s one thing to have microphones and spotlight cameras shoved

It’s another to be taken in and genuinely loved

But that was where he had it right – I guess he always knew

From his fathers’ modest reptile park and then Australia Zoo

We cringed at times and shook our heads – but true to natures call

There was something very Irwin in the make up of us all

Yes the more I care to think of it – the more he had it right

If you’re going to make a difference – make it big and make it bright!

Yes - he was a lunatic! Yes - he went head first!

But he made the world feel happy with his energetic burst

A world so large and loyal that it’s hard to comprehend

I doubt we truly count the warmth until life meets an end

To count it now I say a prayer with words of inspiration

May the spotlight shine forever on his dream for conservation

…My daughter broke the news to me – my six year old in tears

It was like she’d just turned old enough to show her honest fears

I tried to make some sense of it but whilst her Dad was trying

His little girl explained it best…she said “The crocodiles are crying”

Their best mate’s up in heaven now – the crocs up there are smiling!

And as sure as flowers, poems and cards and memories are piling

As sure as we’ll continue with the trademarks of his spiel

Of all the tributes worthy – he was rough…but he was real

As sure as ‘Crikey!’ fills the sky

I think we’ll miss ya Steve…goodbye


Anyone wishing to see a picture tribute, please click link

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

McCain May Alienate Some Conservatives -

McCain May Alienate Some Conservatives -

John McCain is truly a remarkable man. As this article points out. He does what is right regardless of any political consequences.

It's a shame that the rest of his party doesn't see the wisdom he is putting forth on this subject. Considering that most of them did not spend five years as a prisoner of war

First Coast News - U.S. and World News - Tennessee Developer Creates Christian-Themed Subdivisions

First Coast News - U.S. and World News - Tennessee Developer Creates Christian-Themed Subdivisions

Interesting. Not sure how others might feel about living in a development like this, but sounds intriguing.

Monday, September 11, 2006

Evangelical Author Puts Progressive Spin On Traditional Faith

Evangelical Author Puts Progressive Spin On Traditional Faith

Brian McLaren is mentioned as visionary leading a group of people to better understanding of what it means to follow Jesus.

I think the reference to Matthew Dyer could have included a statement about how he is similarly inclined, and possibly able to lead the Cedar Ridge Community to a greater understanding on a weekly basis of how this new found understanding plays out.

As for Brian, I continue to agree and follow him. During the same time period in July, he also gave a wonderfully similar sermon to 10,000 people at Mars Hill Bible Church in Michigan.

Tuesday, August 29, 2006

Clinton Makes Up for Lost Time in Battling AIDS - New York Times

Clinton Makes Up for Lost Time in Battling AIDS - New York Times

For the cynical in nature, this will be about Clinton and guilt. For those of us who believe in redemption and the power of making a difference in this world this will be enlightening.

Perhaps President Clinton heard Rob Bell speak about the call of the oppressed and decided to make a difference. If anyone can make a difference, I believe President Clinton can.

As a fellow believer, I take the redemptive -side over the cynical.

Tuesday, August 15, 2006

This is what Jesus was talking about - Writers - Life's little lessons (cont.) - Tuesday August 15, 2006 12:55PM

As I read this I couldn't help but think of Jesus telling the adults to be like children. That you couldn't enter the Kingdom of Heaven unless you were a child.

As a side note, I suggest that each volunteer coach read this before each and every season. This will put things in perspective when the ref makes a bad call and you lose a game because of it.

Every Father Should Read This - Writers - Rick Reilly: Making Up for Lost Time - Tuesday August 15, 2006 9:32AM

You have to read this!!. Post it somewhere. Remind yourself of the joy it is to be a father each and every day!!!

And pray hard for the Lemke Family.

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Tight Security, New Rules at US Airports

Guardian Unlimited | World Latest | Tight Security, New Rules at US Airports

Unfortunately, this is the world we live in. If the airlines could put their resources to work to ensure bags arrive with the passengers perhaps more people will check their bags and alleviate this issue.

This minor inconvenience may save your life!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006

Think Christian » Blog Archive » The Secret Message of Jesus?

Think Christian The Secret Message of Jesus?

I believe that Brian McLaren is a wonderful writer and a great discover of a better understanding of the message of Jesus.

If you have some time listen to some of his recent sermons on the subject of the secret message of Jesus.
Renew, Rebuild, and Restore Brian McLaren
The Secret Message of Jesus7/2/2006
The Secret Message of Jesus 7/30/06

He not only discusses in great detail the story of Jesus and his message, but he also insists that you must also accept the Good News of your eternal salvation.

He suggests that you should not spend your time on earth waiting to go to heaven, but instead live for the Kingdom of God on earth while you are here. Not a bad way to look at or approach each day.

I have read the book once and I am halfway through it for the second time. I highly recommend it!!

Monday, July 31, 2006

STAR POWER | A HIGHER CALLING: His message packs the house

STAR POWER | A HIGHER CALLING: His message packs the house

A wonderful article on Rob Bell and his message of

"What got Jesus angry was poverty, institutional racism and religious people who were indifferent to suffering people," Bell said. "And what got Jesus very angry were religious people going around proclaiming who was in and who was out of God's kingdom."

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Rob Bell Everthing is Spiritual

I found this article regarding one of my favorite preachers very interesting. If you get a chance to see this show I advise you to go or better yet download one of his sermons. You will not be disappointed!!

To Tom Fell and John Duval, I ask that you download two of his sermons from Mars Hill and tell me then if you still believe "He didn't tell us how to go out and be disciples," His sermons are all about being disciples, you just need to hear the call of the oppressed.

Friday, July 07, 2006

Interesting Thoughts from Barack Obama

I read this article on speech by Barack Obama at Sojourners event. Several parts really touch my heart.

In light of the Kingdom of God feelings I have been having the following quote jumped out at me.

Working with African-American churches, he said, "I was able to see faith as more than just a comfort to the weary or a hedge against death, but rather as an active, palpable agent in the world."

My own questioning of some of the doctrine can be summed up by this quote:

One of the enduring mysteries of faith is that it's not easy to determine divine will. Most of us who consider ourselves religious are engaged in a constant struggle to discern God's will for us, and we're always aware of just how far we fall short of meeting that standard. Obama received one of his loudest ovations when he admitted: "The questions I had didn't magically disappear."

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Gay marriage dealt setback in 2 states

It's amazing to me that politicians and others do not see the absurdity of their continued fight against gay marriage

The two recent state decisions are just another case in point.

I ask Gov. George Pataki or anyone else to answer the question posed below: From a human standpoint, and a moral standpoint. What is the difference?

"It's a sad day for New York families," said plaintiff Kathy Burke of Schenectady, who is raising an 11-year-old son with her partner, Tonja Alvis. "My family deserves the same protections as my next door neighbors."

In a country where 50% of marriages end in divorce, no one prohibits men and women from marrying and divorce for the good of families.

I hope to someday be able to say what Plaintiff Regina Cicchetti said she was "devastated" by the ruling. But the Port Jervis resident said she and her partner of 36 years, Susan Zimmer, would fight on, probably by lobbying the Legislature for a change in the law.

How many who are against the marriage of gay couples can say they have been together 36 years!!!!

Wednesday, June 28, 2006

Emerging Christians-Definition

I found an excellent article on emerging and what it means to be an emerging church. The definition suits me fine, and I will carry it with me for a long time

“generative friendship” as a two-word definition for the emergent movement—a place “where we can come together and talk about what it means to be Christ-followers in a postmodern, post-Holocaust, post-colonial, post-Christendom world.”

Emergent Christians place a “huge emphasis on the kingdom of God,” Myers said, and on becoming “missional.” To be missional “is to be passionate on purpose,” he said, worrying less about whether people come to church and more about how “we participate in God’s mission in the world."

Friday, April 21, 2006

The devil wants to run your church

This article reminded me of a sermon I recently listened to from the Vineyard in Cincinnati.

You may want to download it and take a listen if you want to feel the full understanding of the effect of a "Toxic Church"

Wednesday, April 12, 2006

Army coach Maggie Dixon mourned at L.A. funeral

I thought it would be appropriate to drop this article on my blog to remind me of the emotion I had when I watched the ESPN story on this subject.

Although I never met her, she certainly seemed like the type of person I would love to have gotten to know.

This is one of those times when you ask what God had in mind when he took her to heaven.

I only hope to remember the scene were 1,000 army men rushed onto the basketball court to celebrate the birth in the NCAA tournament. The member of the team said in the beginning of the year only 50 people would have been there.

Her spirit will live on both at Army, and in heaven.

Thursday, February 02, 2006

Brian McLaren-Christian Leader

Newest Link prooving that Brian is way ahead of other leaders in understanding this issue

Each time I read something from Brian McLaren, I become even more impressed with his thought process. A Generous Orthodoxy is my favorite by the way

If you go to this post Brian McLaren on the Homosexual Question: Finding a Pastoral Response and read his response you will definately understand. There are multitude of unbelievers who have the same response as the couple So I supposed they were like most unchurched young adults I meet, who wouldn't want to be part of an anti-homosexual organization any more than they'd want to be part of a racist or terrorist organization..

Another great resource for those who question his leadership would be to actually listen to some of his sermons . I would note that his congregation seems to think the world of him