Wednesday, May 04, 2011

NYC charter school's $125,000 experiment - 60 Minutes - CBS News

NYC charter school's $125,000 experiment - 60 Minutes - CBS News

The 60 minutes Video is well worth reviewing.

The High Cost of Low Teacher Salaries -

The High Cost of Low Teacher Salaries -

Very interesting that no one ever compares the high test result countries with the methods/teachers that they have.

Pay our teachers more!!!!!

Wednesday, April 27, 2011

Andrew Marin Interview by Red Letter Christians

Please watch this interview with Andrew Marin. I have psoted before about him, but if you haven't taken the opportunity to here about him take it now

Friday, April 08, 2011

Glenn Beck Departure

Check out this.  The man is crazy.

Then watch Jon Stewart spoof him.  Very Very Funny

Rob Bell

You have to listen to this!!

Grace and Peace

Love will always win!

Full Discussion here

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Teacher layoffs: As teachers get layoff notices, some Los Angeles students are fighting for quality education -

Teacher layoffs: As teachers get layoff notices, some Los Angeles students are fighting for quality education -

I wonder why we are 27 in education in the World?

Samples of the articles points:

"Teachers here are amazing," said senior Naomi Hecht, who transferred from a highfalutin private school and thinks Hamilton's faculty is more attuned to student needs. She and Amofa were scrambling to educate classmates on the potential cuts, and they organized a Monday rally attended by several hundred students.

The music magnet stages several theatrical and concert events each year, not just for the school but for the community. Dozens of trophies and plaques won by the bands and choral groups taught by world-class musicians Jim Foschia and John Hamilton adorn the school, and the two of them have helped make Hamilton a treasure.

Foschia, who's been at Hamilton for five years after nine years teaching in Pasadena, also said his first concern is the kids.

"This is my heart and soul. I get more joy out of watching kids accomplish things than I do out of my own music," said Foschia.

Monday, January 10, 2011

A Right to Bear Glocks? -

A Right to Bear Glocks? -

We had just had this conversation with my son who is 14 and a vocal proponent of gun control.

I tried to argue the other side in order to give him something to work against. I myself have always felt there are way too many guns out there, but I wanted to make sure he had an equal hearing of the oppositions point of view.

Today that is much harder to stomach

I can believe how right he was about gun control!!