Thursday, April 29, 2010

Arizona’s ID-check law boils down to harassment -

Arizona’s ID-check law boils down to harassment -

This point really struck home:

I had a taste of what that was like in the 1970s as a black American reporter during South Africa's apartheid regime. The white-minority government's "influx control" policy required all black South Africans to carry a photo-ID "passbook" in urban areas to prevent a deluge of black Africans from flooding in to areas where the jobs were. Sound familiar?

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart Arizona Immigration Law

This is really funny and sadly true

The Daily Show With Jon StewartMon - Thurs 11p / 10c
Law & Border
Daily Show Full EpisodesPolitical HumorTea Party

Eugene Robinson - Arizona's new immigration law is an act of vengeance

This is my favorite part of the opinion

But where was the Tea Party crowd? Isn't the whole premise of the Tea Party movement that overreaching government poses a grave threat to individual freedom? It seems to me that a law allowing individuals to be detained and interrogated on a whim -- and requiring legal residents to carry identification documents, as in a police state -- would send the Tea Partyers into apoplexy. Or is there some kind of exception if the people whose freedoms are being taken away happen to have brown skin and might speak Spanish?


Eugene Robinson - Arizona's new immigration law is an act of vengeance

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ESPN Rodney Peete learns from autistic son

Sounds like a great book to read

ESPN Rodney Peete learns from autistic son

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